
“It Is A Very Good Paper”

“I send twenty-five cents for The Way,” Agnes Floyd of Michigan wrote to editors A.J. Tomlinson and M.S. Lemons in September 1905. Her letter continued, “It is a very good paper. I like to read such papers and then give them to others, praying th... »

A Missional Meditation upon a Spell Check

My friends and colleagues know that one of my passions is writing. Like any writer seeking for excellence, I use the “spell check” function in my word processing programs – whether I want to or not! Spell check can either bless you or bug you! Mi... »

The Crest

To fight for itIs an honor.To live by itIs to really live.To love it,And serve it,Is what life is all about.This poem © Kevin Walker. Published July 2012.  »

Passing By

I pass her by everyday.Tired eyesAnd a weary smileAre her only adornments.She looks toward me,But, quickly, I turn the other direction.I speed the pace of my walk,Ignoring her cries for help, andHer pleas for mercy."She deserves this," I tell myself."She brought this fate upon herself."Suddenly, I hear a voice from heaven say:"The Kingdom belongs to such as these."This poem © Kevin Walker. Pu... »