
Obamacare Ruling May Spark Christian Civil Disobedience

The United States Supreme Court on Thursday issued a 5-4 split decision upholding Obamacare as constitutional as a tax. The High Court also ruled that Congress could levy penalties on individuals with no health insurance.  Now, some Christian leaders ... »

TheCry Toronto Praying for Move of God

Thousands of Christians are converging on Thursday for a day of prayer, worship and fasting for Toronto and Canada. The prayer movement is known as TheCRY Toronto. Its motto: “It’s not a concert. It’s not a conference. It’s a CR... »

Cuba Sees Spark of Revival as 10,000 Gather in Worship

Ten thousand people recently gathered in Cuba as part of what some are calling a revival in the Communist nation. Bright Hope’s church partners in Cuba recently held an evangelistic meeting that drew crowds from Santa Lucia. Cubans reportedly ove... »

Chaplains Continue Response as Colorado and New Mexico Wildfires Rage

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team is in Colorado and New Mexico as wildfires continue to torch large swaths of the nation’s west. Chaplains are currently offering emotional and spiritual care in the Ruidoso/Capitan area of New Mexico, and in t... »