
Christian Leaders Learn the Fundamentals of Jewish-Christian Relations in Israel

Thirty Christian Evangelical non-denominational leaders from four U.S. states were hosted by the senior staff of the Prime Minister’s office last week, culminating a week-long intensive visit to Israel for the purpose of learning the fundamentals... »

Social Media: A Missional Tool

Church of God leader David Ramirez testifies of the powerful use of social media in ministry. From the beginning the Christian Church has used every tool available to communicate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the peoples and nations of earth. ... »

Leader Calls for Seven Months of National Repentance to Save USA

“The down economy, $15.8 trillion debt and Barack Obama trying to remove Christian liberty are Biblical signs of God’s judgment for our nation’s sins. To have God’s blessings, Americans must repent,” says Pastor Steven And... »

Chaplains Comfort Wildfire Victims

Depending on whether you see the glass as half empty or half full, the High Park wildfires near Fort Collins, Colo., as of Tuesday, are either 55 percent contained, or 45 percent non-contained. For homeowners in this community north of Denver, it’s m... »