
Giving to Religious Organizations Still Declining

In discouraging news for church leaders, giving to religious organizations is still down. Giving USA’s 57th annual report shows signs of a slow recovery in charitable giving overall in America but not in giving to religious organizations. In 2011... »

Honor The Widows Sunday Is June 24

Sunday, June 24th, is recognized by the Church of God as Honor the Widows Sunday. It is the only day throughout the year where Church of God congregations are asked to do two things: 1) recognize and honor the widows in their local congregations and 2)... »

The Stronghold of Religious Racism Is Falling

The election of a black leader for the Southern Baptist Convention is a huge step forward. But we still have a long way to go. By J. Lee Grady In the early 1960s, when I was too young to understand the turmoil of the Civil Rights era, some men in our S... »

The Prophetic Messages in the Summer Months

The Prophetic Messages in the Summer Months

I have been preaching for about 34 years and during those years I have preached thousands of messages from the pulpits of rural congregations to mega-churches in 40 states and 7 foreign nations. Among those have been thousands of prophetic messages tha... »