
Atlanta Pastor Denies Punching Daughter

Megachurch pastor Creflo Dollar addressed his congregation on Sunday morning, declaring his innocence amid charges that he choked and slapped his teenaged daughter. Dollar walked on to the platform, received a standing ovation from thousands of people ... »

Graduate’s Speech Offers Scripture Despite School Opposition

Mariah Kirby wanted to exhort students that “the soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied” (Prov. 13:14) during her graduation speech on Saturday. But Carolina Public Charter District and Provo... »

Holy Spirit Drenches Baltic Youth

Edgars knew that smell anywhere. In fact, he knew it just a little too well. The 22-year-old counselor at Saturday’s Baltic Youth Festival had struggled with an alcohol problem for years before finding Christ and overcoming the addiction. So when... »

Being Aware of His Nearness

Being Aware of His Nearness

Read Luke 11:27-32.I may be the world’s worst at not being aware of what’s going on around me. If I’m reading, or watching something, or even just thinking about something else, Heather (my wife) or the girls can be talking to me – and although I look like I’m getting the message, I’ve missed absolutely everything that they’ve said!Anyone else have this pr... »