
Webcast with General Overseer Slated for May 8

The monthly live webcast with Church of God General Overseer Raymond F. Culpepper will take place at 7:00 p.m. EST next Tuesday, May 8. The primary theme for the evening will be, “Every Believer Is Called to Minister (Serve).” Overseer Culpepper wi... »

2012 Prophetic Summit Resources

2012 Prophetic Summit Resources

2012 PROPHETIC SUMMIT  There are two words to describe the 2012 Prophetic Summit that just concluded and they are, "Amazing and Astonishing!" Many partners commented that it was without doubt the ... »

African, Filipino Believers Seek ‘Church-Planting Movements’

Pioneers, an evangelical mission movement, is reporting that thousands of Christians from Ghana, Nigeria and the Philippines are asking to be trained in the principles of “church-planting movements” (CPMs). Today, cross-cultural church planting is ... »

Jacksonville, Fla., Celebrates First Protestant Prayer in U.S.

Jacksonville, Fla., celebrated its Christian heritage on Tuesday—a heritage many in the U.S. have never heard about. On May 1, 1562, Jean Ribault sailed into what is now called the St. John’s River in Jacksonville. He named it The River of May. He ... »