
‘Cycle of Poverty’ Event is Successful

People for Care and Learning, a non-profit humanitarian organization with roots in the Church of God, recently conducted an event on the Lee University campus designed to bring awareness of how to break the cycle of poverty. By Fred Garmon, People for ... »

Mobile Pregnancy Center Fleet Growing at a Rapid Pace

ICU Mobile (www.icumobile.org), the pioneer and leader of mobile pregnancy center ministry, continues to grow its global fleet of life saving mobile pregnancy center vehicles. Founded in 2003, ICU Mobile provides a turnkey mobile solution for crisis pr... »

Luis Palau Aims to Evangelize Millions in Paraguay

The arrival of evangelist Luis Palau is making headline news in landlocked Paraguay. Palau’s arrival in Paraguay this week was announced in four out of five of the major national newspapers. Articles also carried word about the evangelistic festi... »

Air Force Bows to Atheists in Multiple Anti-Christian Moves

The Air Force and its Secretary, Michael B. Donley, have created the most hostile “anti-religious” environment in the history of the United States military. So says the American Family Association (AFA). Under Donley, the AFA argues, Air Fo... »