
Still in the Game?

Depending on which conference you attended this year, it has been 4-8 weeks since you were at Shabbach. Are you still in the game?Paul writes in Philippians 3:12, “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own…”Are you still pressing? Still praising?Praying?Word?Eddie James preached Sunday at Myrtle Beach that we should be seeking ... »

African Man Loses Children Because of His Faith

It wasn’t a premeditated act the day Demissie* stole his grandchildren. When he saw how his son Beniam* was raising them, Demissie made a snap decision. “When you die,” the Muslim father told his Christian son, “I’m not co... »

Survey: Americans Believe Bible, Book of Mormon Share Same Spiritual Truths

Should the Quran and the Book of Mormon be on par with the Holy Bible? In disturbing findings that shed light on the state of Christianity in America, about half of Americans seem to think these three books are fairly interchangeable. Indeed, on the he... »

Chuck Colson Not Dead, News Reports Mistaken

The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview is clarifying false reports that its founder, Chuck Colson, has passed away. According to Alan Eason at the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, CBN erroneously reported that Colson had died. CBN ... »