
Video Bible in Bulgarian

Video Bible in Bulgarian

The Video Bible project in Bulgarian was originally envisioned in 2008 by the Cup & Cross ministry team as a result of two consecutive endeavors. The first was the finalization of a vision for the Bulgarian Bible on the internet, which began in 1996 and continued in the next decade resulting in the development of [...] »

Pathway Press Celebrates 60 Years of Church Hymnal

Pathway Press, the publishing arm of the Church of God since 1910, has released a commemorative 60th Anniversary edition of the traditional Church Hymnal. The release is accompanied by additional support materials, including a listening CD. According t... »

Global Prayer Movement Unites Believers on the National Day of Prayer

There is power in prayer. That’s why millions of Americans have set aside a day, Thursday, May 3, as the National Day of Prayer. For Christians across the globe, the historic day serves as a symbolic remembrance that their help comes from God. This y... »

Thoughts on Being A Missionary

Throughout my life I’ve often wondered what a missionary felt like. I never knew I’d be a missionary… Glen Anniskette and I have been on the road since February trying to raise funds to do God’s work and we can see the light of home in a co... »