
The Great Shaking by Mark Casto

The Great Shaking by Mark Casto

Many voices in the body of Christ are declaring that this is the generation that will see a Third Great Awakening in America. I am one of those voices, declaring and prophesying over my generation that we will see the greatest outpouring of God’s Hol... »

Walking by Faith

Walking by Faith

As most of you know we broke ground for the OCI property on Saturday, February 25th.  It was a great day and numerous partners and friends were there to share in the excitement and anticipation of what God is doing in this new vision. Along with t... »

Inside the Ministry Update March 14, 2012

There's still time to get in on the March Blessing 7 DVD album "Breaking the Apocalypse Code" is a great resource "Opening the Gates of Heaven" is available Reformation III - March 22-24th in Cleveland, TN Make plans for the 2012 Israel Tour Pro... »

Tiny Warrior

Eloise Stone with her husband and five children.   Today I bury my Grandma, Edna Eloise Stone. She would have soon turned 97. She lived a long and fruitful life, … Continue reading → »