
An Afternoon Walk

I love walking theseDry paths in the afternoonSun, wind blowingCool air across my face.I think about cityLife, and how so much getsLost in the smell ofFumes and pavement andSanitized earth.I go back to the days of myYouth, when I wouldRun through these... »

Out Of My Mind

I can't get the scenesOut of my mind.They play over and over again,Controlling my emotionsLike a slick TV preacherPlaying the heartstrings of a poor, elderly widow.Every time I think I've won,One sobering memory brings me to my kneesIn painful convulsi... »

This Porch

Have you ever watchedThe windSway the branches of oak treesIn a southern springtime thunderstorm?They swayBack and forthWith a wind both warm and chill,Tantalizing the emotions,Yet calming the nerves.I could sit on this porch for hours,RockingBack and ... »

Don’t Tell Me How To Swim

If you’re not going to jump into the water with me, keep your mouth shut when it comes to swimming techniques. I have found that those who spend a lot of time belittling the actions of another are usually not doing any action themselves.  Sure, we may think what someone is doing is a waste […] »