
Let Pain Do Its Full Work in You

I don’t often just read the Bible during study. There’s too much conversation going on for simple reading. I’m too busy praying to God and preaching to myself to just scan over the words. I’m not super-spiritual; reading Scripture’s just not a quiet endeavor. You read it, and the words dig their way down deep. [...] »

Start a Movement

I originally wrote this last summer, as I was trying to figure out what to write today this is what came to mind… I don’t remember where I saw this video first, but…It’s AMAZING! Watch the whole video, you won’t … Continue reading → »

The Day My Mother Went Crazy

I don’t remember the day of the week—so, let’s say Wednesday. My cell phone cracked and spluttered over my brother’s voice, but I understood enough. My mother had stopped her meds again; she’d lied about it; and now she didn’t know her youngest son existed. My family wanted me to talk to her to prove [...] »

Seeking Adventure

At thirty, Jesus strode out of the desert and got a jolt of clarity. The Holy Spirit flashed down in the form of a dove. God spoke illuminating words of confirmation. And Jesus immediately found Himself doing exactly what He was supposed to do. I’d take something more subtle. The angst of entering my third [...] »