
Church of God European Servicemen's Department leadership at retreat in…

Church of God European Servicemen’s Department leadership at retreat in Germany in the Bavarian Alps region. 1985 My wife and I are under the left wall lamp fixture. Standing behind me is the European Servicemen’s Representative, Douglas Elliott. »

wives of nomination to council of 18 Church of God…

wives of nomination to council of 18 Church of God…

wives of nomination to council of 18 Church of God Executive council »

Early Evangel article: "Proper conduct in Church"

Early Evangel article: "Proper conduct in Church"

Early Evangel article: “Proper conduct in Church” »

Is Tony Stewart running for Church of God Executive Committee?…

Is Tony Stewart running for Church of God Executive Committee?…

Is Tony Stewart running for Church of God Executive Committee? He is all over Face Book. Is there a listing of potential candidates? #nash16 #onecog # »