
Prophetic word I gave today in church service, Collierville New…

Prophetic word I gave today in church service, Collierville New Life COG »

Would you consider this a fair statement? Older Church of…

Would you consider this a fair statement? Older Church of God preachers often speak with a bitter tongue because they have believed to much, took too many passages of scripture literally when it was meant for other people in another time and expected too much from the denomination even though it was struggling? The resultant disillusion has occurred so often that they have developed a bitter and c... »

Thanks for accepting my request, I love this church so…

Thanks for accepting my request, I love this church so…

Thanks for accepting my request, I love this church so much. Brothers and sisters please keep us in prayer for work of God in Liberia. Thanks »

Lead Pastor: City Life Church, Tampa, Florida Tony Stewart is…

Lead Pastor: City Life Church, Tampa, Florida Tony Stewart is a voice to this generation…. a voice that speaks with passion and unwavering faith in the word of God. With fervency and an energetic delivery, he presents the word and paints the text in a way that challenges believers and non-believers… »