Princeton Church Live Stream
Welcome To Princeton Online! We have an online campus Pastor who would love to connect with you in the comments! Thank you for joining us today! »
Welcome To Princeton Online! We have an online campus Pastor who would love to connect with you in the comments! Thank you for joining us today! »
We are in the last days for sure, and Bible doctrines like the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church are attacked, by Christians, on a daily basis. Jesus said that in the end times the first sign would be deception, and brother, we are knee-deep in it right now. Recently Tucker Carlson had country music singer […] The post THE RAPTURE IS A FAKE: Country Singer John Rich Goes On Tucker To Attack The... »
I'm curious about how much your local church is growing. Are you seeing frequent visitors? What % stay to become members? Are you baptizing them? Are you seeing few if any visitors? If you are seeing any growth at all, are they transfers from another congregation? In the small CoG congregation I attend, we have seen a drastic reduction in the number of attendees over the past two years. A lot of t... »
I'm curious about how much your local church is growing. Are you seeing frequent visitors? What % stay to become members? Are you baptizing them? Are you seeing few if any visitors? If you are seeing any growth at all, are they transfers from another congregation? In the small CoG congregation I attend, we have seen a drastic reduction in the number of attendees over the past two years. A lot of t... »