
Support Church of God Pastoral Family Raise Funds for Wheelchair Van Need (video)

Support Church of God Pastoral Family Raise Funds for Wheelchair Van Need (video)

 So many have asked us to begin a gofundme page for Noah’s Van, and so after prayer we have decided to make one.  The current van we have has costed us over 10,000.00 in the last 2-3 years in repairs.  The van is worn down and with Noah getting bigger, we need another van for his needs.  When we purchase the van, Noah’s insurance will pay for the modification.  Noah is a non verbal, w... »

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“Three Hours of Darkness” pastor Loran Livingston, November 4, 2018, Central Church, Charlotte, NC

“Three Hours of Darkness” pastor Loran Livingston, November 4, 2018, Central Church, Charlotte, NC

What was so dark when Jesus hung on the cross, even before sun got darkened? Answer: our SINS. Luke 23:44-46. Isaiah 53:4-6 All the sins and iniquities of the world were laid on Jesus. That’s why Heavenly Father turned His face away from His own Son. But what a joy we now have in Jesus knowing that there is nothing in our life that He cannot fix. We haven’t faced anything that Jesus ha... »

Princeton Church Live Stream

Princeton Church Live Stream »