
Missions Mondays: 5 Marks of a Missional Church

Missions Mondays: 5 Marks of a Missional Church

1. When we reach out without selling out. 2. When every part of the church’s life is hospitable to people who do not yet grasp the Gospel. 3. When we move away from a ‘tribal’ atmosphere to a ‘missional’ atmosphere. 4. When we respect and talk to people like we do at work. (Find common ground to build friendships) 5. When we understand more and more how the Gospel changes everything. The Gospel Ch... »

Tune into KINSER Church of God Radio Station

Tune into KINSER Church of God Radio Station


6 More Disruptive Church Trends in 2017

6 More Disruptive Church Trends in 2017

1. Consumer Christianity Will Die Faster Than Ever 2. Cool Church Will Morph 3. Preachers Who Can’t Speak To The Unchurched Will Preach To A Shrinking Crowd 4. Preaching Will Fuse Both The Head And The Heart 5. Anonymity Will Continue To Give Way To Community 6. Engagement Will Become The New Attendance »

Kinser Church of God: PRAYING for REVIVAL

Kinser Church of God: PRAYING for REVIVAL
