
2017 Disruptive Church Trends

2017 Disruptive Church Trends

1. Church Online Will Become An Advance, Not Just A Supplement To Or Replacement For Church 2. Preachers Will Preach Less Often 3. Experience Will Trump Content 4. Passion Will Beat Polish 5. Only The Most Engaged And The Curious Will Attend »

5 Stages of Renewal In the Local Church

5 Stages of Renewal In the Local Church

By Rick Warren I believe God is preparing the church for another reformation. The first reformation focused on what the church believed; this one will focus on what it does. For too long we’ve separated the Word of God from the work of God. As the church, we’re called to be the body of Christ [...] »

5 Reasons Why People are Leaving the Church

5 Reasons Why People are Leaving the Church

1) Your Sunday productions have worn thin. 2) You speak in a foreign tongue. 3) Your vision can’t see past your building. 4) You choose lousy battles. 5) Your love doesn’t look like love. »

Upcoming in April: Official Results of the National State of the Church Survey

Upcoming in April: Official Results of the National State of the Church Survey

For the past several years since the beginning of, our team of experts has been working on collecting, compiling and analyzing the data from the nationwide survey []. It has become a central topic in our conversations with congregations and leaders across the nation and around the world about church, God and beyond. Starting [...] »