
kyCOG Organized a new church

kyCOG Organized a new church

"Behold all things have become new" Organized a new church today in a 200 year old renovated building. — Bruce Rabon (@Kycogbishop) January 8, 2017 »

Pew Research Center places Church of God among Least Educated U.S. Religious Groups

Pew Research Center places Church of God among Least Educated U.S. Religious Groups

On November 4, 2016, the Pew Research Center released an article entitled, “The Most and Least Educated U.S. Religious Groups.” The article demonstrates the listing of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) as the 30th religious group with 11% completing a college degree, 25% some college, 47% high school degree and 17% less than high school. The most and least educated U.S. religious groups BY ... »

Central Church Choir & Orchestra Worship, August 7, 2016

Central Church Choir & Orchestra Worship, August 7, 2016

Sanctuary Choir Morning Worship service, August 7, 2016 Songs: Lord You’re Mighty, Jesus Is the Lord, No Other Name, Something Happens, The Same Power. »

2016 Church of God Resolution on the Sanctity of Biblical Marriage

2016 Church of God Resolution on the Sanctity of Biblical Marriage

WHEREAS, a United States Supreme Court ruling in 2015 legitimized same-sex marriage in all 50 states and overturned state laws to the contrary, contravening thousands of years of custom and practice by civil societies and by the majority of Christian movements; and WHEREAS, the unequivocal testimony of the Holy Bible is that homosexual activity deviates from the standard God has established for hu... »