
Kimberly Church of God damaged by tornado Monday evening

KIMBERLY, Ala. (WIAT) – A tornado that passed through north Jefferson County Monday night caused major damage to Kimberly Church of God. The pastor of the church tells CBS42 he’s just thankful nobody from the congregation was hurt. He says things can be replaced, but lives cannot be replaced. The pastor will be back at the church early Tuesday morning to assess the damage and see what he can salva... »


A Church of God woman pastor in the city of Choloma, Honduras, was murdered on Thursday, April 3, by two young gang members who had earlier demanded “protection tax” to keep church members safe from their attacks. Maria Francisca Sevilla, 39, the mother of three children, was co-pastor with her husband, Geovanny, of a church in this third largest city of the nation. According to police reports, sh... »

Church of God Yard Sale

The River Hills Church is having a Church Wide Yard Sale this SATURDAY, March 29th. Address River Hills Church 813 Highway 64 Ocoee, Tennessee 37361 Contact: [email protected] Phone: 423-338-2678 »

Church Engineering Flowchart
