
This is the gospel preached by the False Apostate Church,…

This is the gospel preached by the False Apostate Church,…

This is the gospel preached by the False Apostate Church, teaching lies and hypocrisy to anyone that will listen to their demonic message. This false gospel is preached in more so called “Christian”churches than you could even imagine. It’s message is followed by those that claim to know Christ, but they deny Gods Real Truth and Power. They love and passionately defend their sins, and they find te... »

How Old Is Your Church and Does It Matter?

I absolutely love the discussion and questions that come to and from the Church Answers community. Almost every five minutes during the day, a new question is asked in our community. I could spend hours each day reading the information and interacting with the nearly 2,000 church leaders at Church Answers. Recently, Matt McCraw, a... The post How Old Is Your Church and Does It Matter? appeared fir... »

Dallas Church of God Live Stream

Dallas Church of God Live Stream


Five Problems with Designated Church Giving

The largest amount of funds most churches receive are called “undesignated giving” or “general fund giving.” These gifts are used toward the ministry and general operating budget of the church. There are no restrictions to fund a very specific cause. The other category is called “designated giving.” The donor specifies exactly what he or she... The post Five Problems with Designated Church Giving ... »