
Dallas Church of God Live Stream

Dallas Church of God Live Stream


Five Problems with Designated Church Giving

The largest amount of funds most churches receive are called “undesignated giving” or “general fund giving.” These gifts are used toward the ministry and general operating budget of the church. There are no restrictions to fund a very specific cause. The other category is called “designated giving.” The donor specifies exactly what he or she... The post Five Problems with Designated Church Giving ... »

Missional Mondays: Issues in the Church of God a MISSIONAL DECADE Later

Missional Mondays: Issues in the Church of God a MISSIONAL DECADE Later

NEWS SOURCE: actscelerate Issues in the Church of God (Travis Johnson) | wayne I reposted the important side of a thread started by: Aaron Scott Issues remain in the COG. We need to have discussions about the liberalizing of theology and even attacks on orthodoxy. It’s becoming an issue that is being baked in the cake. There are issues with some of our academics. It’s a discussion that... »

Why We Are Still Church of God: The General Assembly

As I sit on the floor watching the business of General Council, I feel many different emotions. I feel confused because of the theological and ministerial weight carried by many of the issues considered. I feel embarrassed because many of the statements that have been made on both sides of various issues. I feel frustrated [...] »