
Why Multisite Churches Get Stuck?

Why Multisite Churches Get Stuck?

Most of the 8,000-plus multisite churches in the United States are stuck at one or two additional campuses because they don’t know how (or aren’t willing) to make the organizational changes necessary to fully deliver their church to multiple locations. The majority of multisite churches are still functioning like a mono-site church with campuses instead [...] »

Branding Churches…

» for Churches: Coming Soon #ourCOG


20 Churches Under Investigation

In late October, the Internal Revenue Service announced\n that it was investigating 20 churches for potential violations of federal tax\n law that bars non-profits from partisan politics. The announcement came on the heels of a claim by the Rev. Patrick Mahoney,\n a Religious Right activist, that the IRS had issued a formal ruling that houses\n of worship could not pray for President George W. Bus... »