
1 year ago Perry Stone prophesied 100 House members to support a bill to outlaw churches that say gay lifestyle is sin

What happened to this prophetic utterance 1 year later? Assembly Bill 2943 now reads: A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior. A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be reje... »

Churches and Schools Fear Gay Marriage Ruling Could End Tax Exemption

Churches and Schools Fear Gay Marriage Ruling Could End Tax Exemptions »

As the average pastor grows older in America, churches say…

As the average pastor grows older in America, churches say…

A friend recently stated that his Administrative Bishop said that no person 50 years old or older will be appointed as a Pastor of any of their churches. All I can say according to this report is, “Good luck.” As the average pastor grows older in America, churches say they are struggling to find young Christians who want to become future pastors. Read More » »

What is the present ruling with affiliation of churches who…

What is the present ruling with affiliation of churches who hold their own deeds to their properties? Can these pastors hold executive positions in the Church of God? »