
Graduation Prayer Campaign Launches

As students are donning caps and gowns, Liberty Counsel is launching the tenth annual “Friend or Foe” Graduation Prayer Campaign. The campaign serves to protect religious viewpoints at graduation. Liberty Counsel seeks to educate and, if necessary,... »

Minnesota Good News Club Fights for Campus Rights

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit on Wednesday is hearing a case that has implications for religious freedom on campus. Liberty Counsel is representing Child Evangelism Fellowship of Minnesota (CEF), the sponsor of Good News Clubs, again... »

3 Reasons To Be Skeptical of End Times Teachers

Earlier this month, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) sat down with Jan Markell, radio host of Understanding the Times, and discussed President Barack Obama’s September decision to support vetted Syrian rebels, who she calls terrorists, with equipment and training. In this discussion she said, “This happened and as of today the United States is willingl... »

18 Years Ago…

      It was March 13, 1996 and time again for the West Virginia State High School Boys Basketball Tournament. I was a freshman at what was then, Pikeville College (now University of... »