
Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Varna and Signing of the Scrolls

Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Varna and Signing of the Scrolls

SECOND VARNA DECLARATION (October 5, 2014) We, The believers from different churches in Bulgaria declare on this day of October 5th 2014 in the city of Varna, That we, according to The Holy Scriptures, will do our best to “fulfill the vows to the Lord” (Psalm 116:14), which were written and signed by 5,000 believers […] »

Chapter 7: Race, Ethnicity and Views About Medical Treatments and Radical Life Extension

As noted earlier, views about radical life extension tend to vary by race and ethnicity. Blacks and Hispanics are more likely than (non-Hispanic) whites to say that radical life extension would be a good thing for society, and they are also somewhat more inclined to say that they personally would want life-extending treatments. The reasons […] »

Seasoned With Fire

“For everyone will be seasoned with fire…” - Mark 9:49 Some of the best times I have with family is when we all get together for a big cookout for a holiday or family get together. I truly cherish those times. Growing up, getting together with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, was a regular routine. We … »

The Life Movement Aims to Get Bibles Back on Campus

For nearly five decades, religion has been consistently pushed out of the public schools in one way, shape or form. Now, some Christians are starting to push back. The culture war on campus began with a move to nix prayer from public schools in the 196... »