
March is for #MISSIONS

Disciple to the Nations: Matthew’s Missiology MISSIONS TEST (2012) MissionSHIFT (2011) Missions for the Third Millennium (2009-2010) »

Wrestling with Universal Truth and Christian Certainty

I had an atheist friend ask me an interesting question after reading one of my blog posts. He asked me, “How much does your Christianity allow for pluralism?” It was an intriguing question and, after spending the evening thinking about it, I replied in a private message. But, after giving it some thought, I decided […] »

Reducing Disengagement


Pray for our Chaplains on Mission

Pray for our Bulgarian chaplains who were recently deployed on their next mission in the Middle East. We are not at liberty to publicize their names or current location, but we can mention that they have been a part of our Masters of Chaplaincy Ministry Program now affiliated with the New Bulgarian University (NBU). In [...] »