
Reducing Disengagement


Pray for our Chaplains on Mission

Pray for our Bulgarian chaplains who were recently deployed on their next mission in the Middle East. We are not at liberty to publicize their names or current location, but we can mention that they have been a part of our Masters of Chaplaincy Ministry Program now affiliated with the New Bulgarian University (NBU). In [...] »

The Church Can’t Afford the Muskox Model

The muskox, an arctic bovine living in herds of 12–24, has a unique defensive strategy. When they’re feeling threatened by a predator, they form a circle. You’ll find them shoulder-to-shoulder, an intimidating wall of mammoth heads and horns, staring down their enemies. In the midst of this impenetrable circle you’ll find the calves and weaker […] »

My Affiliation (and Disenchantment) with Progressive Christianity

Whenever someone asks me to label my political or religious affiliations, I always tell them that I’m too liberal for my conservative friends and too conservative for my liberal ones. The truth is, I really don’t want to be labeled. I get why we classify each other—it’s convenient. If I can quickly put you in a […] »