
Chapter 4: General Views on End-Of-Life Medical Treatment

In addition to asking about people’s preferences for their own end-of-life medical treatment, the Pew Research survey included a more general question to gauge views on the issue. In this question, respondents were asked whether there are any circumstances in which medical staff should allow a patient to die or whether doctors and nurses should […] »

New Survey Examines Public’s Views on End-of-Life Medical Treatments

Washington, D.C. Nov. 21, 2013 — At a time of national debate over health care costs and insurance, a new Pew Research Center survey on end-of-life decisions finds most Americans say there are some circumstances in which doctors and nurses should allow a patient to die. At the same time, however, a growing minority says […] »

Terms and Definitions

Aid-in-dying and physician-assisted-suicide laws State laws making it legal for a physician to prescribe lethal medication to a terminally ill, mentally competent patient who wants to end his or her life. This is currently allowed in four states: Oregon, Washington state, Montana and Vermont. Each state has different conditions under which physician-assisted suicide is legal. […] »

Religious Groups’ Views on End-of-Life Issues

Religious leaders, scholars and ethicists from 16 major American religious groups explain how their faith traditions’ teachings address physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia and other end-of-life questions. »