
Ancient Recipes of Bulgaria

This cookbook features nearly two dozen truly ancient recipes of Bulgarian cooking. Some of these dishes are distant relatives to ones found in ancient Roman manuscripts believed to have been compiled in the late 4th or early 5th century AD. Others are among those far before the time of Christ. As Bulgaria is a country [...] »

5 Things Christians Fear (but Shouldn’t)

Fear and uncertainty are completely normal. Universally speaking, success comes when you push pass your reservations, take a risk, and run headlong into the unknown. Here are five things Christians fear which might be prohibiting their freedom and effectiveness: Shame There have been times when shame has been valuable in my life. Believe it or […] »

Monday Motivation: He Gives More Grace

One of the most powerful Biblical truths that I have been reminded of recently is found in James 4:6.  “But He gives more grace.”   We fail every day…but He gives more grace. We are filled with so much ugliness…but He gives more grace. We deserve eternal punishment…but He gives more grace. We are orphans…but […] The post Monday Motivation: ... »

5 Sobering Reflections on the Sheep and the Goats Parable

There’s something about Jesus’ sheep and the goats parable that I find harrowing. It captivates me like none of his other teachings—and haunts me. “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people […] »