
Until Then

Image Credit Unanswered pain won’t go unanswered forever…but it sure feels like it sometimes. Pain is a former thing that will one day pass away. Life has a way of bringing challenges into our lives that at times seem too much to endure. Aches, limitations and even permanent limitation haunt many this side of eternity. […] Related posts:The Whisper Always Comes Sometimes It Ta... »

6 Ways to Have a Conviction (without Being a Jerk)

As I write this, my government’s been out of commission for 13 days. Locked in an epic standoff, the two polarized parties running Washington would rather run us into the rocks than find a middle ground. One only need visit Twitter, Facebook, or even their local church to see that the poisonous polarization in Washington […] »

The Next American Spirituality

Gallup and Jones examine a 24 hour observation of how America does Biblical spirituality, using the gathered data to analyze its shift and direction. According to their survey, the marks of the next American spirituality are: 1. Bull-market spirituality 2. Religion of me and thee 3. Hunger for experience 4. Search of roots amid the [...] »

5 People You Should Surround Yourself With

Life’s too short and important to surround yourself with emotional vampires, complainers, and spectators. As much as it’s up to you, surround yourself with as many of the following people as possible: 1. Idealists A friend of mine alluded to my ‘critical spirit’ regarding one of my blog posts. I get that a lot—along with […] »