
Our Independence Day Weekend!

Our Independence Day Weekend!

   I so wished I would have caught the shot where my daughter awakens my dad with whipped cream, that would have solidified the humor in this compilation! Oh well!   I count it a blessing to raise my family in this great country. &n... »

The Whisper Always Comes

Image Credit Have you ever felt numb emotionally and spiritually? I’m sure you have. Maybe even today you find yourself in just such a place. You don’t have any feelings because they seem to be gone. The effect of sadness and depression over the many closed doors in your life have slowly cut off your [...] Related posts:Oh Look; The Other Side! Sometimes It Takes Getting Nothing To Ge... »

Talk is Cheap

Guest Blog:  Jim Steele “But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” – Jeremiah 17:7 Eric Liddell was a tremendous example of someone that modeled this Scripture.  The Scottish sprinter of the 1920s was the subject of the British box office hit, Chariots of Fire.  If you saw […] »

Our Family Vision!

Our Family Vision!

    Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish..."  Vision is critical to a thriving walk in life, esp. Christian life!  I find so often people lose focus during their walk with Christ when they don't maintain... »