
Bulgarian Elections 2013

Although one of the rightist parties just won the 2013 parliamentarian Bulgarian elections by a fraction, it lacks the needed majority to form an independent government. The Socialist party, second in the ballot, is searching an uneven alliance with the nationalists from “Attack” and the Turkish ethnic DPS (Right and Freedom Movement). Neither the Union of... »

I Don’t Accept Your Apology

I don't accept your apology.It wasn't at all sincere -with a smirk, and a laugh,and a heart cold and indifferentto the hurt you've made me feel,the pain you've left in my heart.I don't accept your apology.And, honestly,I think it's time for you to leave.Walk out into the cold rainas it washes the grime down the city streetsoutside of my apartment.Shiver as a drop of rain drips down your back.Hear ... »

Pakistani Views on Religion, Politics and Democracy

Pakistanis are scheduled to go to the polls to elect a new parliament and governing party or coalition on May 11. But a Pew Research Center survey of Muslims around the world finds that Pakistani Muslims are among the least likely to express support for democracy.    »

5 Ways to Cultivate Friendship in Your Marriage

Song of Songs 5:16 (NIV) This is my beloved, this is my friend. There isn’t another person on the face of the earth that I would rather spend time with than my wife.  I’ve turned down invites to ball games, guy weekends, hunting trips and rounds on the golf course, all for one reason – [...] »