
Getting In The Word

“The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of our God remains forever.”-Isaiah 40:8 Have you ever heard someone say, “I will get to it when I feel like it”? As a husband, if I ever said that to my wife, there would be some major consequences! Growing up, my mom would ask me [...] »

Men and Women of Action Report on Recent Projects

Men and Women of Action, a benevolent organization of the Church of God, reports on three recent projects. From El Salvador: Jose Terrero recently returned home from an MWOA trip to El Salvador—with an amazing story to share. Jose went to El Salvador to assist a pastor and local congregation to build a church. The [...] »

Will Supreme Court Undermine Traditional Marriage?

The Supreme Court announced that it will take up two marriage laws, the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) (U.S. v. Windsor) and California’s Proposition 8 (Hollingsworth v. Perry), a state marriage amendment. The High Court will decide both cases by the end of the term in June 2013. Section 3 of DOMA defines marriage [...] »

Los Angeles Revival Spreads to Azusa Street

Recently Verna Linzey, a “daughter” of the Azusa Street Revival, was ministering in the Los Angeles Mission in Torrance when revival unexpectedly broke out with ecstatic utterances, prophecy, shaking and salvations, and this has continued at that mission. This weekend Linzey, author of The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, was invited to the Azusa Street [...] »