News and Special Information December 2012
FROM PERRY STONELatest News and Special Information December 2012 In This Issue HIXSON CD and DVD ALBUMS SPECIAL GIFT IDEAS ISRAEL ANOINTING OIL AND OLIVE TREE Quick Link... »
FROM PERRY STONELatest News and Special Information December 2012 In This Issue HIXSON CD and DVD ALBUMS SPECIAL GIFT IDEAS ISRAEL ANOINTING OIL AND OLIVE TREE Quick Link... »
Doug Small, the Prayer Ministries Coordinator for the Church of God, will be among the speakers at the annual ‘Heart Cry for Revival’ event planned for April 22-25, 2013 at ‘The Cove’ in Asheville, North Carolina, operated by the Billy Graham organization. Other speakers include Richard Owen Roberts, a world-renowned revival and prayer specialist; Dave [...] »
While some “grinches” try to secularize Christmas and remove any mention of Christ from Christmas, the majority of Americans still celebrate the “reason for the season.” According to Rassmusen Reports, 78 percent of Americans believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to earth to die for our sins; 79 percent of Americans [...] »
Budapest, Hungary– Over 35 leaders of Pentecostal denominations and Charismatic ministries from 16 nations across Europe united together in Budapest, Hungary, November 19-20, 2012, for a special Summit focused on the future of Spirit-empowered Christianity. This historic gathering was a launch point for a pan-European relational network called Empowered21 Europe. The Empowered21 European Cou... »