
Together In One Mission: Pentecostal Cooperation in World Evangelization

Together in One Mission: Pentecostal Cooperation in World Evangelization (Pathway Press 2012). Arto Hamalainen and Grant McClung, Editors. Pathway Press, 1080 Montgomery Avenue, Cleveland, TN 37311, (800) 553 8506 (; www.pathwaybook... »

To Love > To Coexist: A Parable

To Love > To Coexist: A Parable

Long ago, there was a small village crammed right up against a menacing wood on three sides and cliffs high above the ocean on the other. The villagers had no idea why their town existed in such a precarious place, but they accepted it as just the way things had always been. Each year, the [...] »

Becoming Fully Human

Becoming Fully Human

Philippians 1:6. “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” God has started a work in your life, and He will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus. You are becoming fully human as He [...] Related posts:What Will You Be When The Wheel Stops Spinning? Don’t Fail To Live The Gospel Below I Want To Be L... »

PENIEL Ministries– Spreading Hope Live on Daystar

Johnstown, PA – Peniel Ministries message of hope recently reached the substantial viewer base of the Daystar Network’s award winning program, Celebration With Marcus and Joni Lamb. Peniel is a substance abuse treatment program with roots in the Church of God. Celebration is broadcast live around the world reaching the masses in Africa, Asia, the [...] »