
2012 Hixon CDs and DVDs

2012 Hixon CDs and DVDs

Dear Friend,   What an amazing 2012 Main Event that just convened in Hixson, Tennessee! The 9 messages shared were birthed in prayer! Each service was powerful and the presence of the Lo... »

When Did We Get So Dumb?

“One way of looking at the history of the human group is that it has been a continuing struggle against the veneration of ‘crap.’”—Neil Postman I came home the other night after having an interesting conversation with a co-worker about … Continue reading → »

Obama, Marxism and Pentecostal Identity

Obama, Marxism and Pentecostal Identity

Time and time again in the past several years, while ministering in churches across the United States, friends and partners ask us about our opinion on the political situation at home and around the world. Many of them ask the direct question of America becoming more and more socialist-like. Our response is that while people [...] »

Encouragement To Face Your (Can’t) Moment

Encouragement To Face Your (Can’t) Moment

I always try to throw more reasons why I can do something into the mix than I do the reasons I can’t. You should also. Let’s face it, life can be tough, but you can always be tougher. If you look hard enough, and deep enough, you will find more reasons why you can do [...] Related posts: 4 Tips For Developing Godly Self-Confidence 4 Tips For Frustration Winning Over The Voice Of Self Condemnation »