
Know Your Enemy

To most Americans who don’t know the Bible (especially younger Americans), Christians seem to be fighting a war against progressive ideas. Given the media portrayals of Christians denouncing this or that societal change, that’s an easy conclusion to reach. It would tie together what they know of our complaints and boycotts. Now, let me go [...] »

Relationships to Keep

  “When David had finished speaking with Saul, Jonathan committed himself to David, and loved him more than he loved himself…Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him more than he loved himself.” -1 Samuel 18:1-3 Last Friday, we had our weekly staff meeting. As we sat and waited for all of staff to [...] »

Singer Trilogy Author Calvin Miller Passes

Calvin Miller, author, speaker, pastor and seminary professor, died on Sunday in Birmingham, Ala., from complications after heart surgery he had less than two weeks ago. He was one week shy of his 76th birthday. Miller was the author of more than 100 t... »

More Than 10,000 Churches to Date Sign on the Line to Bring People Back to Church

More than 10,000 congregations have committed to active participation in National Back to Church Sunday on Sept. 16. By registering their names and locations (, these congregations have signaled their intentions to invite fa... »