
Film Memorializes Olympian Who Wouldn’t Run on Sunday

At the 2012 Olympics, runners from all over the world gathered to compete in the 400 meter race, one of track’s most exciting events. Eric Eichinger just returned from the London 2012 Olympic games where the British were fondly recalling their la... »

Author Shows What Happens When Hurt People Hurt People

Reality show after reality show allows us to see the shocking moments a person realizes that their trust has been broken or they have been betrayed by someone they considered a friend. At that moment, the person that has been mistreated launches a plan... »

‘Prince of Peace’ Wins 2012 Christian Retailers Choice Award

Art & SoulWorks is pleased to announce that Jesus “Prince of Peace” by Akiane Kramarik and framed by our partner Carpentree, Inc. was chosen as the Winner of the 2012 Christian Retail Choice Awards for Wall Décor. This prestigious awar... »

Should Believers Be Allowed to Bring Concealed Weapons to Church?

Following the tragic mass shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin, which reignited a dialogue on gun rights, a new national survey finds that Americans overwhelmingly believe that the constitutional right to own and carry a gun is as important as their con... »