
The First Mormon President: Does Faith Matter?

Barack Obama made history as the first African-American president of the United States in 2008. This year could also be historic if GOP presumptive nominee Mitt Romney were to be elected America’s first Mormon president. By David Brody/CBN News That ... »

Wycliffe Sees Opposition to New Bible Translation

Medieval pastor John Wycliffe continues to cause a stir among churches—even in the 21st century—as his Bible translation ideas upset Christian leaders once again. In the 14th century Wycliffe used indigenous language to convey Scripture. He angered... »

Announcing BibleTech 2013

Announcing BibleTech 2013

Announcing BibleTech: 2013! Seattle, Washington Preparations are underway for BibleTech 2013. Set aside March 15-16, 2013 for a fresh look into the exciting ways that technology is affecting the way we study, visualize, and communicate the Scriptures. Why Attend? This is an exciting time for Bible technology! Web 2.0 and Internet-connected mobile devices offer new [...] »

Still Holding On

I can see it in her eyes. She won’t be accepted – the color of her skin too dark, the accent on her lips too strong. Life will be difficult, trying to fit in to a world that so many say she doesn’t belong. Hatred isn’t found only in the blood stained living rooms of murdered wives and children. It’s in every glance, ev... »