
Conservative Weighs in on Potential Romney Running Mates

There is growing unease among conservatives that the “short list” of vice presidential candidates Mitt Romney has under consideration has too many establishment-type Republicans and few, if any, principled small government constitutional co... »

The World’s Muslims: Unity and Diversity

The world’s Muslims are united in their belief in God and the Prophet Muhammad and are bound together by such religious practices as fasting during Ramadan and almsgiving to assist the needy. But they have widely differing views about other aspects of their faith, including how important religion is to their lives, who counts as a Muslim and what practices are acceptable in Islam. »

From Radio Listener to Hands-On Missions in Nine Days

When Joy FM listeners in the St. Louis area raised more than $118,000 in a single day for two Christian radio stations in Ecuador, they thought their donation was complete. But for 31 people, that was just the beginning. Just nine days later, these don... »

Gunmen Murder 19 Worshipers at Nigerian Church

Gunmen on Monday killed at least 19 worshipers at at Deeper Life Church in the town of Otite, Kogi State in Nigeria, about 155 miles southwest of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja. The Christians were conducting Monday night service at the time of the att... »