
Athlete Eyes Gold After Restoring Relationship With God

The high jump finals are set for Tuesday, and American Jamie Nieto is in the hunt for a medal after just missing out in 2004. CBN’s Shawn Brown talked to Nieto about how his Christian faith helped him come back after that disappointing loss. Afte... »

Irrelevance Suits Us

When John the Baptizer raised the head of Jesus out of the water, his main work was over. Jesus took it from there. The big event in the desert became a side note in the gospels from then on. The American church would do well to grapple with that shift. When we squint back into [...] »

Teshuvah – Season of Answered Prayer

Teshuvah – Season of Answered Prayer

   On September 17 -, 2012, devout Jews from around the world will enter the year 5772-5773 on the Jewish calendar. This date is a result of counting the time of the creatio... »

Building a True Rainbow Coalition Demands Biblical Philosophy

Much has been made in this nation around the issue of race, perhaps more than any other nation in the West. By Joseph Mattera As Christians we need to honor the fact that God loves and has made His creation diverse, including within the species called ... »