
Prayer Movements Building Stronghold in America

A rising tide of concern is sweeping through the body of Christ as America drifts farther and farther away from its moral and biblical moorings. In response, prayer initiatives are budding in an attempt to call people across denominational and parachur... »

Is India the Fastest-Growth Gospel Territory?

For some time, probably since the year 2000, I have been saying in public that there are five hot spots for the gospel in the world today: China, India, Indonesia, Brazil and Nigeria. Interestingly enough, the background of China is atheist, of India H... »

The American Dream

The American Dream

Drops of sweatFall to the ground From his furrowed brow, From the indentions of time Etched into his face Telling of years of hard labor. A sentence handed down When he left school in the eighth grade, When he married at eighteen, When the first of three kids came along at twenty. Every once in a while When the others start complaining, When the heat begins to sting his skin, He takes a pictu... »

Lee University Launches Next Era of Online Degree Program

Cleveland, Tenn.–The growing and changing market of online degrees has resulted in the latest evolution of the original Continuing Education Program, founded on the Lee University campus in 1976. What has been the Center for Adult and Professiona... »