
Over 440 Receive Degrees During Lee University Spring Commencement

A record number of graduates received diplomas during Lee University’s spring commencement exercises last weekend, May 4 and 5. It was the 155th time Lee University, the Church of God’s premier educational institution, held a graduation cer... »

Lawmakers Blast Vanderbilt over ‘Hostile’ Policy

The Congressional Prayer Caucus is challenging Vanderbilt University over a new school policy they say discriminates against religious student groups. The school has adopted a measure forcing campus organizations to consider any and all students for le... »

Learning to Intercede and Read Your Burden

Learning to Intercede and Read Your Burden

Many of you are aware that each week we host a major prayer gathering in Cleveland at the Prayer Barn at the Omega Ranch. We often have 50 to 140 people gathered for deep intercession.  There have been several occasions when during intercession, i... »

Missionaries’ 17 state, Two Month Ministry Tour

Follow the missionary journey of Glenn and Susan Anniskette as they travel a 17 state – two month ministry tour. By Susan Anniskette After Portland we made it to the great state of Washington where we were able to attend the Great Northwest Praise an... »