
Blame it on King James!

Blame it on King James!

You may have heard Perry tell the story of how when he was in high school, he didn’t take his classes in English seriously, and as a result he was a terrible speller.  It seemed no matter how he tried, he would always misspell about 15 words w... »

When Walls Fall by Jason T. Armstrong

When Walls Fall by Jason T. Armstrong

One of the enemy’s greatest attacks is to rebuild the wall of separation between Jew and Gentile that was broken down by our messiah Yeshua. Why is the adversary so zealous to maintain this division? It’s because defeat came to the enemy and the be... »

Church of God In Guatemala Celebrates 80 Years

The Church of God of in Guatemala, Central America will be celebrating its 80th anniversary, Friday, April 13, 2012. The first Pentecostal church in Guatemala was planted on Wednesday, April 13, 1932 in the charming city of Totonicapán. This congregat... »

Sixty-First Annual Observance of the National Day of Prayer

As American troops remain in harm’s way, our economy continues to waiver, and we quickly approach our upcoming elections, citizens of the United States are preparing to exercise their freedom to gather, worship, and pray. Millions will answer the... »