
Pentecostals Growing With Church Plants

Once the outcasts of religious society, Pentecostals now represent the fastest-growing form of Christianity in the entire world. And based on recent statistics, a renewed emphasis on church planting among many of the largest charismatic denominations m... »

Global Advance Equips Pastoral Leaders in Africa

Global Advance hopes to have kingdom impact this month as it ministers in Africa. President Jonathan Shibley says they have three teams headed to Senegal, Cameroon and Kenya. It’s not a small effort, Shibley notes. “We’ve got a chance... »

Inside the Ministry Update April 12, 2012

"Opening the Gates of Heaven" is now available Prophetic Conference April 18-22 in Grandville, MI Prophetic Summit April 26-29th in Cleveland, TN Check for updates on the OCI Facility project Stay in touch through the Stone Report Read more... »

2012 Prophetic Summit

2012 Prophetic Summit

2012 PROPHETIC SUMMIT Perry Stone  April 26 - April 29, 2012  Christian Greetings! We want to share information about the upcoming Prophetic Summit to be held in Cleveland, TN at the T.L.... »