
Lao Officials Arrest Five Christians for Religious Movement

Officials in a village in southern Laos on March 25 arrested and detained five Christians during worship and charged them with leading a religious movement without official approval, according to advocacy group Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Free... »

William J. Seymour Award Presented in Sao Paulo, Brazil

SAO PAULO, Brazil – Over a century ago, a partially-sighted African American minister came from Texas to Los Angeles to spread the Pentecostal ministry. His early efforts to preach the Pentecostal message were rejected. Church leaders were suspic... »

International Event to Celebrate Christian Legacy of Titanic’s Sinking

As the world pauses this April to remember the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, one group will gather to celebrate the sacrifice of the men and boys on board the ship who gave their lives so women and children might live. Titanic 100: A... »

Staying CONNECTED to change!

Every year we witness lives CHANGED at Shabbach, but we often see students return back to their old life a few weeks after the conferences. We don't want to see this happen this year! Here are 5 things you can do to stay CONNECTED to the change that to... »