
Walking by Faith

Walking by Faith

As most of you know we broke ground for the OCI property on Saturday, February 25th.  It was a great day and numerous partners and friends were there to share in the excitement and anticipation of what God is doing in this new vision. Along with t... »

Inside the Ministry Update March 14, 2012

There's still time to get in on the March Blessing 7 DVD album "Breaking the Apocalypse Code" is a great resource "Opening the Gates of Heaven" is available Reformation III - March 22-24th in Cleveland, TN Make plans for the 2012 Israel Tour Pro... »

Tiny Warrior

Eloise Stone with her husband and five children.   Today I bury my Grandma, Edna Eloise Stone. She would have soon turned 97. She lived a long and fruitful life, … Continue reading → »

Professor’s Book Named Preaching Magazine’s ‘Book of the Year’

Preaching, a magazine that features insightful interviews with today’s top ministers like Max Lucado and Mark Batterson, and provides sermons, illustrations, and leadership resources for Church Pastors, has named Northern Seminary Professor Dr. M... »