
Inside the Ministry- July 22, 2014

Back from England Bishop Denis McGuire and I have just returned from Birmingham, England, were I was a guest speaker at the New Testament Church of God Convention.  This was an amazing experience and the services were charged with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Many of the individual families had come to England in the 1960’s from the Islands such as Jamaica, to work and rebui... »

General Assembly Agenda Available on Church of God Site

The agenda of items to be debated and voted upon by the International General Council of the Church of God has been placed on the Church of God website, following a pre-release mailing to ordained bishops earlier this month. The agenda is posted in its... »

Has Chick-fil-A Given in to the Gay Agenda?

Chick-fil-A, which gained national attention when its president reaffirmed his family’s views on same-sex marriage in July, is now saying it’s leaving the debate to politicians. The Civil Rights Agenda, a leading Illinois lesbian, gay, bise... »

Purity Network Leading Biblically Responsible Investing Movement

Purity Network Ministries, a ministry dedicated to finding and recommending resources that uphold Biblical values is pleased to announce an organization that adheres to Biblical financial responsibility. In these uncertain times, it is extremely import... »