
Youth and Discipleship Hosts Philippine Training Conference

Training has always been a priority with Church of God Youth and Discipleship. The international ministry team training events, under the leadership of Youth and Discipleship Coordinator Tony Lane, started in 2006 with the first trip to European Theolo... »

Christian ‘Tsunami’ May be Headed to Capitol Hill

A movement is underway to put lawmakers on notice that the so-called “silent majority” will no longer remain silent on issues of religious freedom and the erosion of America’s traditional values as set forth by its founding fathers 25... »

Tucson Church Opens ‘Switch’ Youth Center

The New Life Church of God (NLCOG) in Tucson, Arizona inaugurated its youth center, “Switch” on Friday, February 17, 2012. “The youth center is a dream come true for the youth community within our congregation,” said Dr. Luis O. Rodrigu... »

The Spirit of the Sword

My spiritual life use to look a lot like Woodstock. You know, lots of peace, love, and good music. Eventually I figured out that I have an enemy. My enemy … Continue reading → »